F Am G
Our Father ever - last - ing the all creat -
ing One
F Am G C/E
God Al - mighty
F Am G
Through Your Holy Spir - it conceiving Christ
the Son
Jesus our Saviour
C Dm F
I believe in God our Father I believe in Christ
the Son
Am F
I believe in the Holy Spirit our God is three in
C Dm F
I believe in the resur - rection that we will
rise a - gain
Am F G (C)
For I believe in the Name of Jesus
| F Am | G C/E | F
... ...... ......
Am | G C/E |
...... ...
F Am G
Our judge and our de - fend - er suffered and cru
- cified
F Am G C/E
Forgiveness is in You
F Am G
Descended into dark - ness You rose in glo -
rious life
Forever seat - ed high
F Am G C/E
I be - lieve in You
F Am G C/E
I be - lieve You rose a - gain
F Am G C
I be - lieve that Jesus Christ is Lord
C Dm F
I believe in life e - ternal I believe in the
virgin birth
Am F
I believe in the saints' communion and in Your
holy Church
C Dm F
I believe in the resur - rection when Jesus
comes a - gain
Am F G C
For I believe in the Name of Jesus
Am F G C
For I believe in the Name of Jesus
CCLI Song # 7018338
© 2014 Hillsong Music Publishing
For use solely with the SongSelect®. Terms of Use. All
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CCLI License # 974362